Hi, dear guests!
I made such interface for my tv studio. All is very simple!
So it is Arduino based device (UNO R3) with Ethernet shield which works with Blackmagic ATEM switchers and Panasonic AW-RP120 / AW-RP150 Remote panels.
It does a couple things. It gets tally cameras state from ATEM switcher and send it to AW-RP pannel to turn light on the active camera. And it reads state of selected camera (1-10 for rp120/150) on remote panel and send it to ATEM switcher. Atem sets selected camera 1-8 + PV and PGM (9 and 10 button) to AUX 2 in my case, to image analysis system.
If you want to made your own interface you will need next stuff:
- Arduino UNO R3 (with male pins kit) x 1
- Ethernet shield x 1
- Resistors upto 0.25W : 22k x 4 pcs. and 2.2k x 6 pcs. (to get 6 tally sources (1-6 camera))
- DB-25F x1 connector with couple screws (for the box)
- DB-25M with case x2
- A broken HDMI cable (to make an interface cable and get some wires for the box) or some wires.
- Plastic DIY Box x1
I used the Skaarhoj script and adapted it to my purpose. Download it here. You may need an additional libraries.
Schematic for soldering is here.
I want to warn you. You should be shure that all pins between arduino and shield are connected. use an Ohmmeter or multimeter to check it.
Before upload script to the Arduino you should change the network settings in setup of script:
- Ip address of Adruino and its MAC
- net mask,
- gateway,
- ATEM switcher ip address.
At the bottom of script you will find part of code which decode info from RP console and send it to ATEM. you can adjust it by your own way.
Please check that your RP console is resdy to receive tally GPI signals.
That is all.
Of course my script isn't perfect but it works. You can check debug info in arduino com port monitoring.
After first start several leds on the RP pannel will be red, and when you set some source on ATEM to the program output, only one red led shoud light on RP console. It means that tally script is working.
It works perfectly 24/7